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The Team

Brian McDavid (Connor's Dad)

Friend of The Shanahan Hockey School

Rod The Bod

Stanley Cup Winner and Head Coach Carolina Hurricanes

Dr. Smushkin

The One and Only Dr. Smushkin. If you know the Doc, then you know!

Jason Yee

Jason Yee, the founder of The Downhill Skating System and is truly the current thought leader in hockey mechanics. Coach Ryan Shanahan was one of the first certified Downhill Skating System Instructors.

Charlie Francis

A coaching genius. Charlie was my off ice coach and then mentor, starting in 1996 all the way to 2009. You would be surprised to discover the Star Athletes he trained in secret.

Sean Shanahan ( my Dad )

Imagine growing up with a Dad that was a professional hockey player, that was coached by Scotty Bowman, Don Cherry and Lou Lamoriello!

He would always say, "Ryan, Their is a big diffrence between being a Player and a Pro". My Dad was right and here at The Shanahan Hockey System, we teach you to be a PRO!